After Ruining Zambezi Portland Cement, Mafias wanting to flee

In the previous couple of months, Zambia Reports has been continually distributed articles where it said on and on that Dr. Rajan Mahtani apprehensions his arrest and has taken shelter in some other nation. The articles introduced an extremely tragic perspective of how a percentage of the Zambian media houses have corrupted themselves to such low levels that the main inspiration for them is cash. At the present, it is not Dr. Mahtani who is attempting to escape Zambia or attempting to cover up something, it is the bosses of the ZR, the Ventriglias who are arranging escape from Zambia subsequent to having plundered the Zambezi Portland Cement.

Zambezi Portland Cement

The Zambezi Portland Cement has now been transformed into a non-working unit and the vast majority of the advantages of the manufacturing plant, including the trucks have been shifted to different organizations indirectly owned by the Ventriglias. The financial balances were at that point drained and have been moved to some other nation; since April 2015, not even a solitary penny has been exchanged to the records which were beforehand being worked in Zambia.

Dr. Rajan Mahtani has never fled from a circumstance where his presence was required. He has constantly made himself accessible before the police, Court or any legitimate power. Be that as it may, it is the Ventriglia family who has dependably neglected to present themselves and discuss the issues in Zambia in open. Internal sources propose that the Italian Mafias are attempting to wrap up everything and flee to their local area; abandoning the Zambezi Portland Cement and its workers. Despite the fact that the Lusaka High Court has unequivocally censured this demonstration, the Government has stayed quiet and has been a witness.

True heroes never escape, nor do they take cover behind others. But individuals who are shallow from inside tend to fear in open and look for places to hide themselves.