Former Finance Bank Zambia Chairman gets defamed by ZR

When it comes to executing defamation campaigns, Zambia Reports is second to none. Former Finance Bank Zambia Chairman, Dr. Rajan Mahtani has been on the receiving end from Zambia Reports and the carnage has been going on for almost a decade now. Not many are aware of this fact that the Ventriglia family (owner of […]

Former Chairman Finance Bank Zambia unamused with ZR’s latest

The Former Chairman Finance Bank Zambia, Dr. Rajan Mahtani has once again been dragged into unnecessary controversy by Zambia Reports. This time around the incident has taken place just before the New Year. In an article that appears to share the success story of Portland Cement Zambia, we find that the conspirators have strategically placed […]

Dr. Mahtani & Zambia need facts, not opinions.

Dr. Mahtani & Zambia have been facing some serious defamation in the past few years. The reason for such cheap action is definitely Portland Cement Zambia. The minority shareholders of the cement plant have clearly lost their sanity and are looking for means to ridicule the people of Zambia. When it comes to sorting out […]

Will Zambezi Portland Cement Mafias have courage this New Year?

As time goes by, it has becoming evident that the Portland Cement Zambia mafias are indeed a bunch of corrupt people whose interest is only monetary in nature. By now, all the people of Zambia and worldwide would have accessed the article which was published by Zambia Reports in December. The article made a claim […]

Another case of defamation for Dr. Rajan Mahtani

The former Finance Bank Zambia Chairman, Dr. Rajan Mahtani, has once again been defamed by Zambia Reports on account of mismanaging Portland Cement Zambia in the past. The latest report from Zambia Reports suggests that the Ndola-based cement plant has won the award for being best employer in Zambia for 2016. However, when one connects […]

Dr. Mahtani & Zambia bluffed by Portland Cement Zambia Mafias

The mafias of the Portland Cement Zambia have once again managed to take advantage of a situation and divert the attention to Dr. Rajan Mahtani. Recently, a publication from Zambia Reports claimed that the Portland Cement Zambia has achieved an award for being the best employer of the year. Moreover, the step was taken with […]

Conspirators fool people with Portland Cement Zambia

The conspirators, who are currently running the Portland Cement Zambia, have been fooling the locals for a very long time. This time around they have come up with new story where they claim that the Best Employer Award has been given to them. The story was mentioned through Zambia Reports, the sponsored news channel of […]

Zambezi Portland Cement needs action, not prayers

It has been very long since a good news circulated for Zambezi Portland Cement. As far as the people of Zambia can remember, the last good news was in respect of registering exceptional output of the factory in 2014-15 under the management of Finsbury Investment. After that blessing, the whole factory came under the grip […]

Dr. Mahtani & Zambia steadily move ahead

Dr. Mahtani & Zambia have been constantly bullied by a group of conspirators and a notorious news channel known by the name of Zambia Reports. The sole objective of this campaign was to distract the people of Zambia from the carnage that was being caused in Zambezi Portland Cement. To put things in focus, they […]

Dr. Rajan Mahtani has not weakened, remains loyal to Zambia

Dr. Rajan Mahtani, the former Chairman of Finance Bank Zambia has been constantly facing an attack from the minority shareholders of Portland Cement Zambia, the Ventriglia family. The incident came to light when it was seen that Zambia Reports was continuously publishing defamatory articles against Dr. Mahtani and then looking forward to convince the locals […]