Dr. Rajan Mahtani Ensures Success of African Forum Summit with Financial Contribution

Summits and business conferences are great platforms for industries to come together and brainstorm ideas and innovative solutions not only for their own industries or sectors but also for the development of the entire nation. One such Summit is African Form Summit which is held every year in Zambia. It is one of the biggest […]

Dr. Rajan Mahtani Praised for his Significant Contribution in African Forum 2017

Dr. Rajan Lekhraj Mahtani is a noted industrialist in Zambia with numerous successful businesses under his name. Some of the top companies in Zambia including Mahtani Group of Companies and Finsbury Investments have been started and run under his leadership. He is one of the most successful as well as celebrated businessmen across Zambia with […]

African Forum 2017 Successful, Press Secretary Praises Dr. Mahtani for his Contribution

The African Forum 2017 is an economic forum held in Zambia annually. It is a big platform wherein personalities and noted figures from across the nation and also outside join together and discuss on the burning questions related to the economic, social and political questions related to the nation. This year’s African Forum Summit was […]

Money Laundering Charges Faces by Lawyers after Revelation by FIC

As per the recent revelation made by Financial Intelligence Centre, a mass money laundering scheme has been observed in Zambia. Money laundering is an illegal act and irrespective of the state or country, the accused should face punishment at the hands of the law. However, the situation has been quite different in Zambia till now. […]

Money Laundering News Disrupts Zambia’s Dive Towards Growth, Economists Worried

The economic pundits and analysts are worried about the nation’s development since the news of money laundering involving top lawyers broke. The news was brought and investigated by FIC, Financial Intelligence Centre. It is an independent agency that looks into financial frauds across the nation. The agency discovered mass money laundering activities involving illegal cash […]

Fic Reports Mass Money Laundering Racket In Zambia, Top Lawyers Involved

The Financial Intelligence Centre recently reported mass money laundering racket across Zambia. This released report made heads turn due to the involvement of top lawyers, legal counsellors and even ministers across Zambia. The amount reported to have been involved in this bust is more than USD 1.5 billion, which is staggering. Also, sources have contemplated […]

High Level Corruption Practices Uncovered My Money Laundering Activities In Zambia

The latest news of money laundering in Zambia is creating a lot of buzz with the media and the national news channels. Top lawyers and law firm owners such as Masozi M. Banda from Avik International and Sakwiba Sikota from Central Chambers have been accused of illicit cash transactions.