Dr. Rajan Mahtani And Finance Bank Successfully Stop Conspiracy

Conspirators of Dr. Rajan Mahtani have learned to hide behind closed doors whenever their conspiracy is busted. The same has happened with Finance Bank Zambia winning the Supreme Case. The number of conspiracies and fake campaigns against Dr. Mahtani and his companies has reduced drastically. This can be directly attributed to his recent win against Simaata Simaata.


Finance Bank was established by Dr. Rajan Mahtani with the sole purpose of serving the nation. Bank quickly became one of the most popular banks among all strata of society. For his dedication, the bank also received many awards and honours. Therefore, it was a surprise to everyone when the bank was accused of fraud and mismanagement of assets by its own ex-employer. Simaata had a brief stint at the Bank and was removed after found to be engaging in unethical practices. He also signed an agreement with Finance Bank for which he received a good sum. Since then, Simaata has started spreading false news and rumours about the bank as well as Dr. Mahtani. This false news was given in the form of testimonials at several courts, creating chaos at the bank. Furthermore, Simaata also released several confidential documents related to the bank to local newspapers.

Banks belong to sophisticated sector. Any kind of rumour or bad news creates complications and questions the authenticity of the bank. Finance Bank Zambia suffered a similar fate when it started losing important clients and its image worsened after the rumours. The only solution for the bank was taking the issue to the Supreme Court Zambia. The case was launched by Finance Bank with support from Dr. Rajan Mahtani. The case went on for a while wherein both parties shared their arguments and defenses. The evidence and arguments from Simaata were clearly not up to the mark and as a result, the case was won by Finance Bank Zambia.